
Miramar Resort the Beach Killer

more information: http://e-info.org.tw/node/86137
sign the petition: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dERMWDBxSHB6MkprLTBKcFdJeXFNZXc6MQ#gid=0

Hello and welcome to Taiwan. Plase enjoy the natural beauty, Boycott Miramar Resort the Beach Killer!!

Shanyuan, in Taitung County, is an idyllic, tropical beach. The foot hills of the majestic Dulan Mountain range stretch down to the sea and protect a sheltered, sandy bay.Now, a seaside resort called Miramar has occupied the beach for their own benefit and is in the process of destroying a pristine environment.

In 2004, Miramar Resort, showing total disregard for the law and the environment, started construction without undergoing a compulsory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).Let the unscrupulous developers learn that people worldwide are banding together to protect nature. Please boycott Miramar Resort and related hotels and help us spread the word.

